Since its foundation in 1997, Confindustria Assoimmobiliare represents real estate operators and institutional investors active in Italy, such as: Real estate SGRs, Siiq, real estate funds, leading banking institutions, insurance companies, the most important Italian and international developers, public companies managing large real estate assets, real estate service companies, consultancy, legal services. Confindustria Assoimmobiliare also includes associations between companies or between professionals, foundations and institutions that have interests related to the real estate market by affinity, complementarity or economic connection. Assoimmobiliare is the real estate representative organization of Confindustria, the main association of manufacturing and service companies in Italy with over 150,000 companies for a total of 5,383,286 employees.
The complete list of Members is available here.
The complete list of the Governance is available here.
The internal work of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare is organised into Technical Committees for the in-depth study of relevant real estate sector issues from a financial, socio-economic and regulatory perspective. The Committees currently established are: Residential, Urban Regeneration, Retail, Intermediaries and Supervised Companies, Relations with Institutions and International Associations, Tourism and Hospitality, Real Estate Services, Relations with Institutional Investors, Circular Economy, Innovation, Regulatory. The Regulatory Committee also includes the Taxation Table and the Urban Planning Table.
The drafting and dissemination of technical/regulatory documents, policy papers, scenario analyses, and best practice documents relating to the sector are aimed not only at representing and protecting the interests of the real estate industry in institutional bodies, both national and international, but also at fostering a broader knowledge of the role and development of a sector of particular importance for the Italian economy. The total value of investments in construction and expenditure on rents and property brokerage services accounts for almost one fifth of Italy’s GDP in one year. Property taxation contributes more than EUR 40 billion to Italy’s total annual revenue. Sixty per cent of total household assets are invested in real estate, and loans to households for real estate mortgages and loans to businesses in the sector account for about one third of total bank lending.
By implementing the association’s programme and institutional tasks, Assoimmobiliare therefore acts as a spokesperson for the improvement regulatory measures that the Real Estate industry proposes for an inclusive and sustainable development of the territory and the country. Internally, Assoimmobiliare fosters the integration and systemisation of the different skills, knowledge, specialisations and professionalism of the industry’s key players.
Specifically, the main activities of Assoimmobiliare can be summarised as follows:
- the promotion of the development of the Italian real estate industry, representing and protecting it in relations with institutions and administrations, as well as with economic, political, social and trade union organisations;
- the participation in the preparation, drafting and proposal of legislative, regulatory or normative texts concerning issues of interest to the real estate industry;
- the study of reference valuation and performance standards for the real estate industry market;
- the definition of guidelines for enterprises and professionals in the real estate industry;
- the collection, processing and dissemination of data and information concerning the real estate industry as a whole and/or by segments thereof;
- the promotion, sponsorship and also the implementation of studies and research, training activities, conventions and other initiatives to foster the development of association activities and functions;
- participation in national and international events related to the real estate industry;
- the promotion of the demand for integrated services by owners and/or users of real estate;
- supporting the process of tertiarisation of real estate activities by public bodies and private companies;
- the assistance provided to its Members for the acquisition of quality certification of management systems, according to international standards, or for the introduction of further certified management systems aimed at guaranteeing the client or the community;
- the unitary representation of Members, towards third parties of any kind and in particular towards Authorities, bodies, organisations, associations and the like, both domestic and foreign, for the protection of their interests of a general nature, both at a domestic and international level, appointing its own representatives where required.